Date Posted : October 25, 2023

in : Blog

Tooth pain can be a real nuisance, making eating difficult, causing a throbbing jaw, and even leading to temperature sensitivity. Whether you're experiencing a persistent dull ache or sudden sharp pain, it's important to seek dental care.

We recommend scheduling a visit to our practice if you've been enduring any form of tooth or mouth pain for more than 24 hours.

When you come to our office, we'll carefully assess the root of your discomfort, as it's often attributed to one of the following common issues:

  1. Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is a leading cause of tooth pain. As enamel wears thin, your teeth become more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, resulting in sudden pain. Tooth decay is also responsible for the formation of cavities.
  2. Infection: Tooth infections can occur when bacteria infiltrates your tooth, often through a crack, chip, or cavity. Neglecting proper daily dental care increases the risk of developing a tooth infection.
  3. Teeth Grinding: If you ever wake up with a headache or a sore jaw, teeth grinding during sleep may be the culprit. Prolonged clenching of your jaw during slumber can cause tooth pain. Our examination will help determine whether there is evidence of teeth grinding by assessing your teeth and bite.
  4. Abnormal Bite: An uneven bite can place unnecessary strain on your jaw muscles, resulting in tooth and mouth pain. In some cases, this can lead to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ).
  5. Tooth Eruption (in Children): If you have infants or school-aged children, you're likely familiar with the discomfort that comes with tooth eruption. In infants, this typically occurs around six months of age, and older children begin to lose their primary teeth around age six or seven.

    1. If you're grappling with tooth pain, don't hesitate to reach out to us and book an appointment. We're dedicated to helping you find relief promptly and get back to enjoying a pain-free, healthy smile.