Date Posted : October 11, 2023

in : Blog

Do you often wake up with headaches or experience jaw pain? Have you been told that you grind your teeth? If you answered yes, you may benefit from wearing a night guard to protect your teeth.

A night guard is a plastic dental appliance that resembles a retainer and is designed to cover the biting surfaces of your teeth. It can be worn on either the top or bottom set of teeth.

Here are four key benefits of using night guards:

1. Prevents Tooth Damage

Wearing a night guard ensures that your upper and lower teeth do not come into contact while you sleep. Teeth grinding, a common issue, can be detrimental to your dental health. Grinding can lead to enamel loss, resulting in overly sensitive teeth. It can also damage fillings and even cause teeth to chip or break if the grinding is severe.

2. Reduces Jaw Tension and Pain

Many people unconsciously clench their jaws during sleep. Wearing a dental night guard can significantly reduce both jaw tension and the pain associated with temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

3. Prevents Headaches

If you frequently wake up with headaches, teeth grinding and jaw clenching during sleep may be the culprits. These actions can lead to jaw pain, earaches, neck pain, and muscle fatigue. A custom-made night guard can help prevent these issues and alleviate the associated headaches.

4. Inhibits Snoring

Clenching your jaw during sleep can lead to breathing difficulties, which may result in snoring. Wearing a night guard keeps your upper and lower jaws apart, increasing the amount of air you can breathe while you sleep. This improved airflow can reduce snoring.

Over-the-Counter vs. Custom Night Guards

While over-the-counter (OTC) night guards are relatively inexpensive, they are pre-molded to fit any mouth and may not provide a tailored fit. Prolonged use of OTC devices can cause your bite to shift, as they are not specifically designed for the shape of your teeth.

On the other hand, a custom-fitted night guard, crafted by a dental professional, offers greater comfort and effectiveness. When properly maintained, a professionally made night guard can last for many years.
Take the first step in safeguarding your smile by opting for a custom-crafted night guard. Reach out to our dental team to learn more and get started on protecting your dental health today.